ALL ABOUT MY HAIR (Complementary to my new Youtube Video)

ALL ABOUT MY HAIR (Complementary to my new Youtube Video)

So, if you haven’t watched my latest Youtube video (yes hello Youtube nice to meet you again after all this time!) stop what you are doing and go watch it asap! You can find me under Savannah Rose Beauty, or even easier you can click the nifty Youtube icon on my homepage in the left-hand corner! If you’re reading this on your phone, you’ll see a drop-down menu on the homepage which is where that little icon lives. Mama put in a lot of time, energy, and almost-tears (is that a thing? they never came to the surface but my emotions sure did! If it weren’t for my Boyfriend I would have totally lost it LOL.) in learning a completely new editing software which was the equivalent of trying to learn a new language (Yes, I’m looking at you Premiere Pro)! Thank the Lord for Youtube tutorials. Which brings me back to the main point-my video! I went over all the standard questions I receive about my hair; from color to cut, to products I use and a mini demo of how I curl it! It’s a good one! I mentioned quite a few products in the video and below are mentioned products! You can click directly on the product and it will take you right to it! If you end up using/purchasing any of the products, let me know by either commenting below or on my Youtube Video! I’d love to know what you feel like spoke to you the most!